子宮筋腫の高強度集束超音波焼灼術の副作用に関する系統的レビュー(原題:A systematic review of the side effects of high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation of uterine fibroids)
Mostafa Maged Ali 1、Chileshe Raphael Mpehle 2 3、Esther Olusola 2 3、Phuti Khomotso Ratshabedi 2 3、Ahmed Ragab Shehata 4、Mohamed Ashraf Youssef 4、Ebtehal Ali Helal Farag 5所属機関
PMID: 3944009 PMCID: PMC11492634DOI: 10.1080/08998280.2024.2387497
Mostafa Maged Ali 1、Chileshe Raphael Mpehle 2 3、Esther Olusola 2 3、Phuti Khomotso Ratshabedi 2 3、Ahmed Ragab Shehata 4、Mohamed Ashraf Youssef 4、Ebtehal Ali Helal Farag 5所属機関
PMID: 3944009 PMCID: PMC11492634DOI: 10.1080/08998280.2024.2387497