


投稿日:2019年6月11日 更新日:


DR.Bhavlene Panesarの回答

腟を修復してくれるので、膀胱を支えることができ、切迫感の改善にもつながります。 Oショット(日本だとGショット)などの治療法と組み合わせことで、全体的な感度が大幅に改善され、オーガズム(独:オルガスムス)に達しやすくなるはずです。
Q:Will Diva help in reaching orgasm? Will it help with urgency?
A:he hormone changes in menopause and peri-menopause can play havoc with the vaginal tissue.
Thinning of the tissue(atrophy)  and a lack of lubrication because of this change can make things uncomfortable and even painful with intercourse.  The thinner tissue also loses some of its sensation and can make reaching orgasm difficult.   The tissue itself loses its elasticity and therefore does not support the back wall of the bladder as well as it use to.  This often leads to an increased sensation of urinary urgency and even some incontinence.
The diVa is a fractionated laser that stimulates growth and thickness of the vaginal lining. When the lining is restored it has increased elasticy and sensation as well as increased lubrication making intercourse more comfortable.  The restored vagina then is also able to support the bladder better  improving the sensation of urgency.
When coupled with a treatment such as PRP to the peri-urethral area and clitoral body( O-shot), the overall sensation can be greatly improved making orgasm easier to reach. Also adding treatments to strengthen the pelvic floor such as the BTLEmsella further enhance sexual function as well as supporting the bladder and improving urgency.
The diVa is a great treatment on its own for improving menopausal changes. It's effects can be further enhanced by adding PRP and pelvic floor strengthening.

DR,Jennifer R. Bermanの回答

腟の健康維持を目指す低侵襲レーザー治療および高周波加熱治療によって、腟の感度や機能、平滑筋の緊張などは改善できますが、尿失禁などの症状改善に効果的だとしてFDAから承認されていません。InModeのVotivaとForma Vは、性機能の改善に役立つとしてFDAから承認された、バイポーラ無線デバイスです
A:Thank you for this question. While the minimally invasive laser and radiofrequency heat treatments for vaginal health improve vaginal sensation and function, as well as smooth muscle tone, they are not FDA approved or indicated for improving urinary symptoms. InMode's Votiva and Forma V is a bipolar radiofrequency device that is atually FDA approved for improvement of sexual function. This includes lubrication, arousal, sensation and orgasm and I personally have obtained excellent results with this modality in my patients. I have also seen in my patients, and clinical studies support my findings, that Urinary symtoms of frequecy, urgency and mild to moderate stress urinary incontinence also improve after the series of three treaments with laswer and/or radiofrequency heat treatments.


  • 腟レーザー
  • 婦人科形成