



日本産科婦人科学会産婦人科専門医,日本性科学会 幹事,日本性科学会認定セックスセラピスト

投稿日:2019年3月22日 更新日:


2015年7月の段階で、世界各国10,000人以上の女性が「MONALISA TOUCH®(モナリザタッチ)  療法」の施術を受けており、その安全性と治療効果の高さが評価されてきました。モナリザタッチ®による海外の臨床報告では、1回でも治療を受けると、「灼熱感」「かゆみ」「乾燥」「性交疼痛(SEXの痛み)」「ゆるみ」「尿もれ」といった全ての症状で有効な改善結果が出ています。





The MonaLisa Touch is safe and effective for treatment of the symptoms associated with vaginal atrophy due to menopause or cancer treatment  such as:
  • Vaginal itching
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Vaginal laxity
Additionally, patients have experienced relief to secondary symptoms such as urinary incontinence.
The MonaLisa Touch is not intended to be a vaginal tightening treatment, although some patients have noted that there is a degree of tightening. This is mainly due to the changes in the thickness and texture of vaginal tissue after treatment.
The treatment has been used in other countries (Europe, South America, Australia, Asia ...) for over 8 years now and there have been many studies published about its safety and effectiveness.
I perform the MonaLisa Touch treatment in my office and I can honestly say that every patient that I have treated has had excellent results.
It is important to note that this treatment is for women who suffer from the symptoms of vaginal atrophy and not for "cosmetic tightening". This is not an alternative to a Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation surgical procedure (which I perform as well). The goal of the MonaLisa Touch procedure is to restore your vaginal tissue's health and th
Sara J. Bernstein, MD
us provide relief to patients that have been suffering both physically and emotionally.





モナリザタッチは、Genitourinary syndrome of menopause(GSM)閉経後性器尿路症候群に伴う症状を管理するための、手術を必要としない、ダウンタイム・痛みのない、数分の治療です。

MonaLisa Touch is a non-surgical, painless, short office based treatment for the management of symptoms associated with the menopause. It has been studied in Europe and US/Canada and has been shown to be clinically effective, safe and extremely well-tolerated.  After the procedure, there may be some vulvar swelling or mild discomfort depending on the extent of lasering on the vulva. There may be some spotting or discharge and it is recommended to avoid intercourse for 48 hours.  It is a safe procedure that can effectively reverse the genitourinary symptoms of menopause - such as dryness, burning, and painful intercourse.


Q:Why isn't it safe to get MonaLisa Touch while I have a Paragard copper IUD in? Will I be okay if I still had the procedure?
A:Thanks for your question and so sad that you could not get your treatment done on that day. Hopefully you've been able to get your vaginal laser treatment done now. Neither a copper IUD or progesterone IUS is a contraindication to MonaLisa touch treatment. The CO2 laser is very safe. I have treated patients with IUS in place before and no complications at all. Wishing you the best.
Answered: 28 May 2019
A:Overall, there is no reason you can't have a MonaLisa Touch procedure. The IUD and treatment locations are in two very different locations.
Of the many such cases I have treated the only adverse side effect that occurred in maybe 3 cases was mild cramping. This occured in patients I treated for laxity issues where the vginal tissues reacted very positively and therefore pulled tissues. In each case the cramping resolved within 2 - 3 days and patients were quite pleased with the results.Warmly,Arbella Sarkis, MD
A:It is safe to have the MonaLisa Touch Laser treatment. The MonaLisa Touch Laser treats the vagina and not your uterus where the IUD is located. I suggest you re-discuss this with your doctor.
An IUD is not a contraindication to the MonaLisa Touch procedure.  The laser treats the vaginal tissue and does not fire into the uterine cavity where your IUD sits.  You will not experience any risk due to the IUD and can proceed with treatment.Best,
Dr. DuPont
A:You asked a loaded question. Unfortunately, it was loaded with nonsense. The Mona Lisa is a CO2 laser device that fires into the vaginal skin to depth of approximately 200 microns. That's roughly two thirds of the thickness of the vaginal skin and it's aimed outward when done properly. This is not in the direction nor near the location of anything inside the uterus which is roughly 5000 microns thick at its thinnest points and roughly 20,000 microns away. You couldn't mess up your uterus or your IUD with the MonaLisa if you tried. Don't worry about the string. It doesn't get snagged on probes or anything phallic...obviously.
Answered: 21 May 2019


A:There are many studies that confirm positive effects of DHEA creams on vaginal atrophy symptoms and this could be an option for treating your pain and dryness. There aren't any longitudinal studies that show prolonged effects of cream use. You can find some DHEA creams on the market that are applicable to external tissues, versus creams that are administered via suppository. My biggest piece of advice in regards to DHEA creams is to try to apply consistently around the same time of day, if you plan on using it.
Ultimately, vaginal rejuvenation treatments will be helpful in the longterm for dryness and soreness, but it does take a series of treatments to uphold the gradual improvements. I personally like Votiva (radiofrequency energy) treatments that have both external and internal modalities.
Answered: 15 May 2019
Vaginal itching could be one of the most anoying symptoms of postmenopausal vaginal athrophy. MonaLisa Touch will definitely help you on those symptoms. I think using topical DHEA or steroids cream could be helpful to ease your symptoms until the CO2 laser has done it's job. Good luck.
Answered: 20 Mar 2019
A:Fractionated CO2 laser is one of the better treatments for vaginal dryness, pain during sex and treating skin breaks or tears from sex and daily activity.  The Mona Lisa is the best studied of those lasers and has the most studied behind it.
The Mona Lisa laser stimulates regeneration of the skin of the vulva and vagina, thus making the skin thicker, more durable, and increased lubrication and sensation.
It is best to be evaluated by a sexual health trained Ob/gyn doctor prior to to determine if this is the best treatment for you and to ensure there are no other concerns.
Answered: 25 Apr 2019


Q:I am 71 years old and would love to have sex again! Would MonaLisa Touch help?
A:Mona Lisa Touch CO2 laser will help with lubrication, dryness, and pain during intercourse if this is due to postmenopausal atrophy. I would recommend you visit with a specialist to ensure that you have no dermatologic disease (e.g. lichen sclerosus, scarring from your episiotomy) and can consider getting this treatment.
Answered: 29 Oct 2018
A:MonaLisa Touch will likely be a great option for you.  You should have a consultation and gynecologic examination prior to having the MonaLisa Touch procedure done.  The MonaLisa Touch will help improve the integrity of your vaginal tissue, improving the stretch and lubrication.  You will be able to enjoy sex again!  Best Wishes to you!
Thank you for your question.
Answered: 24 Feb 2019
A:We have been treating women over the past 2 1/2 years.  We have treated many women who continue to have intercourse with pain and those who have stopped having intercourse because of vaginal dryness and/or painful intercourse.
This is a gentle laser treatment which is non-hormonal.  You would normally have 3 treatments (sometimes up to 5 depending on your tissue) 6 to 8 weeks apart.  This treatment gently scratches the surface of your vaginal wall which forces your body to send blood flow to the area to heal itself.  This in turn brings back moisture to the area.  There are times that women may also need to use dilators once the treatment is completed.
In our practice we have seen approximately 90-95% of women who are very satisfied with the results and are having intercourse again .
I would recommend that you find a physician who is providing this service and schedule an appointment to be evaluated.  You will be pleasantly surprised of the results.
good luck.
Answered: 26 Jan 2019
A:What you have described is what over 50% of the patient's treated with MonaLisa touch therapy described prior to being treated. This is a common complaint after menopause due to the lack of stimulation of the vaginal and vulvar tissues from estrogen. As a result, the tissues thin, loose their normal cellularity and elasticity and thus tear. Sex becomes painful as the tissues have lost the natural lubrication and are dry and thin. In the appropriate setting, the MonaLisa Touch laser will stimulate a repair of the tissues that can indeed make it possible to have sex again. You aren't alone, your complaints are very common. You do not have to just "accept it".
Answered: 21 Jan 2019


A:If you require other stimulation than penile penetration then you are actually quite normal.  Many women require direct clitoral stimulation for orgasm.  As far as Mona Lisa Touch laser therapy the enhanced collagen and elastin provides improved vascularity and nerve stimulation so most women do report an increase in sexual sensation.  You might consider adding a G-O Spot  Shot ( or O Shot  more commonly referred to) to enhance orgasmic function after the laser treatments.
Judy Corbett, MD, FACOG 
Answered: 15 Oct 2017

A:The MonaLisa Touch may not be your best option unless you have undergone early menopause leading to vulvovaginal atrophy( thin dry vaginal skin). This may also happen after removal of the ovaries or chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer.  The MLT will help restore healthy vaginal tissue and collagen to promote better lubrication and reduce any painful intercourse. While Orgams are a complex set of chemical, nervous, and muscle reactions. Women can have orgasms via vaginal or clitoral stimulation. The O shot maybe a better option for you. It is obtained by spinning a small amount of your own blood and concentrating the platelet rich plasma.  This concentration includes growth factors, stem cells and platelets.  It is then injected into the clitoris and G spot. Over time sensation in these areas increase and may help you achieve an orgasm with sex.


A:Both of these products are CO2 lasers used to treat the genitourinary symptoms of menopause. Like there are differences between cars, some having different features than others, these two lasers are not exactly the same. The main difference between these two lasers is that essentially all of the published medical studies demonstrating the benefit of the CO2 laser in treating these symptoms have been done using the MonaLisa Touch. Without supporting literature, one should not assume that all CO2 lasers would have the same benefit as that proven with the MonaLisa Touch.
Answered: 6 Feb 2019
A:The types of energies are the same. Both are Co2 lasers. The delivery is a little different. The devices differ in that Femiilift laser beam is a bit wider and the pattern is less dense (less dots per square centimeter). I evaluated both lasers and found the smaller ablations, but denser number made by the MonaLisa Touch preferable.  The Femilift uses consumables, MonaLisa does not. The cost of the consumables needlessly increases the cost of the procedure to the patient. FemiLift's consumable is a cover over the probe. The cover substantially increases the width of the probe. Individuals with constricted introits, dry and or thin tissue find it more uncomfortable. As well, the larger circumference can lead to tearing of tissue in some cases. I also prefer the MonaLisa for the external areas. In particular, in combination with non-ablative fractional lasers. I'm able to be less ablative. Therefore, discomfort and healing time is less, but results are superior.  I strongly suggest seeking out physicians that perform combination therapies. Combination therapies address many more issues in many ways.  Nonetheless, as wonderful as these procedures can be for women, I strongly recommend to always also address the root of the problem. Application of an aesthetic solution to treat a symptom helps. However, getting to the root of the problem provides superior longer lasting results. Seek out Integrative, Functional or Regenerative Medicine practitioners having either device. That is, unless you're very constricted, dry or have tissue that tears easily, then go with those types of physicians that have the MonaLisa Touch device.If moderate or more lax, seek out a Regenerative Medicine practitioner with the device. You vaginal muscle can be regenerated and the surgeon avoided.It is also important to understand the vagina is a muscle. Muscles atrophy if not exercised. Getting the most out of your therapy requires you to exercise the muscle regularly. It doesn’t matter whether that is with your partner or synthetically. Muscles need exercise to maintain their strength.  Warmly,


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  • 注目クリニック

    • 腟レーザー
    • 婦人科形成